Relationships and Family Systems Counselling
Are you caught in a dance with yourself, your partner/s or other family members that is leaving you feeling lost, anxious, abandoned, angry or powerless? There isn’t always someone to blame for relationship and family issues; it isn’t a case of right and wrong, these problems are often caused by behaviour patterns that we feel powerless to change. At Hawthorn Counselling we will help you to identify these patterns as the common enemy you share with your partner/s or other family members and collaborate with you to defeat them. We will help you to change old patterns to new and practice those new dances with those you love. We will help you to hear and respond to those around you, providing a space to encounter each others’ fears, sadness, joy, values and needs. We welcome all relationship forms including collaboration around ethical non-monogamy, polyamory and/or non-traditional relationship forms (e.g. throuples).